Welcome to the Pax Island System!

We're an endogenic system of 11 mostly non-human mostly queer beings.
Our headspace is a small, flat island in an endless sea peppered with oak trees.
We all live in the same house, and on our island there's an abandoned mall (except for the ice cream shop),
a mysterious pyramid that leads into an underground passageway, a small playground, a movie theater,
and a submarine deck piloted by a non-sentient cat person.
Most of these things were imagined when the host was 15, although things have slowly been discovered over time
and/or built by members of the system. Artemis, for example, built a treehouse next to the house!

If you want to see the map of our relatively alright island, you can click here.
Otherwise, we all got bios here, so click on one to learn more about us!

Treeline (WIP, but accessible)
Bentley (WIP)
Alex (WIP)
Ezra (WIP)
Pax (WIP)
Zane (WIP)
Briggs (WIP)
Peridot (WIP)
Flora (WIP)